Sea Power - Hail Holy Queen

Monday, August 29, 2011

Rio Hondo Red Tailed Hawk (RHRTH)

Over the years, on my trek to and from Rio Hondo College, I've noticed a Red Tailed Hawk patrolling his/her area over the 605 from the CAT Yard down to the Beverly Bridge. On occasion, as time permits, I pull over in front of CAT and along its perimeter road, pull out my spotting scope, and watch it circle and glide in flight. I wonder if it’s the same one, since their life expectancy is 21 years in the wild, it could very well be the one I first spotted over 10 years ago in the same place.

Two days apart, I spotted another one for the second time along the 605 from Slauson to Florence. Has the Rio Hondo Hawk expanded its territory or is it a different Hawk? I don’t know, I didn’t pull over this time. Perhaps I’ll find a free day or two to spot both territories and see if I can solve this.

In March, on Catalina Island over Cotton Wood Beach, I spotted two playing and I was fortunate to spend 30 minutes watching and listening to them play. I had an eagle whistle and tried to catch their attention but it didn’t fool them, only scarred the Ravens. I took some pics but cant find them.

I don’t know if anyone has recorded and tracked the Red Tailed Hawks of Rio Hondo?

The sky is Hawk’s realm, and through its flight it communicates with Heaven and the Great Creator Spirit, and conveys that knowledge to earth: Hawk medicine unites Heaven and Earth. This powerful bird can awaken the visionary within you, and lead to your life purpose. It is the Messenger, and when it shows up pay attention: there is always a message coming. Hawk helps us to not only be aware that we are receiving a message but how to interpret it. The realm of symbols is also the realm of Hawk for Hawk is able to soar high above the earth to soar on the breath of Spirit, to commune with Spirit and thus understand through the intuitive level what the message means and what can be done to move forward in life.

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