Sea Power - Hail Holy Queen

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Vote Measure M - Los Nietos School Bond

My family has been in Los Nietos for over 150 years attending Los Nietos schools. My family were directly involved in the building of the early school houses and has been active in the districts for those 150 years.

The facilities are just as old and in need of dire repair.

I vote for Measure M is a vote in the future of children and in my beloved Los Nietos.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

"This Game is Full of Cheaters" - Speed

I saw Speed Racer today with my nephews. I enjoyed it more than any kid in the theater. Again, I realized how much I loved Speed and his values.

As a kid, I really took Speed to heart. At the theatre, I had a flood of emotions, thoughts, and visual flashbacks. I now remember singing the theme and doing the standing side gesture at the beginning and the end of the cartoon.

This led me to think. Are Speed’s values good for the youth of today? I don’t know.

The Game is full of cheaters. Isn’t that the truth!

Why didn’t I learn to cheat? Why do cheaters cheat? The best cheaters I know are very smart. I don’t know.

Is it naivety that makes some of us non-cheaters?

Only as an adult did I really realize the working of dishonesty.

When Speed realizes that cheaters dominate and fix to win he continued to fight in a manner contrary to the tactics of the corrupt. He rebels and repels.

The arming of the Mach 5 demonstrates the move from naivety to more of fudoshin. Is it cheating? No, he still plays by the rules (in the grey) for good but aware of the tools-weapons of the cheaters and meets them head on.

Go No Sen to Sen Sen No Sen.

I do beg to differ with the statement that "Cheaters Don't Prosper". Cheaters do prosper which motivates them to win by any means.

There are some of us who believe the ends do not justify the means. Sentimental? Delusional? Perhaps, but the value system of Speed Racer is a Good one that singly stands to defy the Cheaters of the world who will hurt anyone no matter how small or large to serve their selfish interest.

It’s a process in realizing that one must be armed (by the Way) in order to effectively combat the cheaters.

It must be hard to be Speed Racer. It must be hard to do what’s right.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Go Speed Racer, Go!

"And when the odds are against him
And there's dangerous work to do
You bet your life Speed Racer
Will see it through."

I absolutely loved Speed Racer as a kid. I had Speed Racer PJs, bed sheets and blankets, towels, dinner plate and bowl, the Mach 5 car toy, and other sundries.

It's one of the few profound things I recall of my childhood. I took the values of speed racer as my own. Battling the tricksters and wrong doers. There was an innocents and sincerity to his character.

I was especially mesmerized by Speed's brother Racer X. The alter ego Racer X was fascinating. There was time we wanted to be the anonymous and mysterious Racer X.

As Karate student and young black belt at 15, the meaning of both Speed Racer and Racer X became more apparent. The budo philosophy was inherent in both. We are all both Speed and X.

Racer X was a part of us that was anonymous and dark. However, we all have a choice to what extent did Racer X act and for what purpose. (The life giving sword).

Speed was the hero everyone liked and he Never gave up despite the odds.

Trixie was so hot! Her sighs, dark short hair, light skin, and concern for Speed was attractive. I've always liked woman who subconsciously reminded me of Trixie.

Go Speed racer, Go Speed Racer Go!

See you in the shadows Racer X.