Sea Power - Hail Holy Queen

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Deserving Military Family

While sitting in Starbucks before Karate, I was crunching the numbers for our 6th Annual Summer Karate Camp at Mayberry Park and how many scholarships I'm going to award to students. Money is low and the demand high. A family of five girls walked in with their mother and sat in the couch across from me. They were so excited and chattering away about something. Then I heard, " daddy going away again?" Mother, "yes". Then daddy walked in. A navy sailor and the kids crawled all over him. It was very heart wrenching. After their family time. I waited and approached them and offered the family of girls a scholarship to attend the Summer Camp. They were very happy and it turns out they live across the street from the park. Hope to see them soon. A deserving family. — at Starbucks.