Sea Power - Hail Holy Queen

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rio Hondo College - No Class Cuts! Holding the line.- Whittier Daily News

Community college, CSU chancellors predict more cuts and higher fees - Whittier Daily News

Rio Hondo College is one of the ONLY community colleges in California that has NOT cut classes, furloughed employees, laid-off faculty & staff, nor cut services and programs. Why? We saved reserves, practiced fiscal discipline, and kept our administration lean as the impending budget crises approached. The crisis was no secret but we had to prepare, we did and now we are able to offer more classes and services than most community colleges.

We are fairing very well compared to other community colleges, local schools and cities. Little Lake School District laid-off a great amount teachers and staff, increased class size, cut programs and services, and increased the cost of children’s school lunches. The City of Santa Ana has cut so many employees and residential services that they have even cannibalized their Community Developed Department seizing funds to pay debt.

At Rio Hondo College, due to our fiscal preparedness and responsibility, we were able to hire 13 faculty and 35 staff in 2011 to serve students. In addition, our $300 million dollar building program has employed over 300 local skilled-workers and professionals to build our new facilities.

Things may get tougher, but we will be diligent, prudent and discilpined in the coming budget cycles. It comes down to our mission, serve students.

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