Sea Power - Hail Holy Queen

Monday, January 30, 2012

Lobby Day January 2012 in Sacramento for Rio Hondo College

Lobby Day in State Capitol for Rio Hondo College. Legislative Agenda:

1) Support Balanced Approach to Budget n Support Temp Tax Initiative on Nov ballot.
2) OPPOSE cuts to CalWorks for transitional families that would eliminate students from a life of self sufficiency.
3) SUPPORT Increase in Course Offerings by allowing college to plan budgets in Jan not July if initiative passes
4) OPPOSE cuts n elimination if child-care sites at colleges that will devastate student families n child-care students.
5) OPPOSE cuts and increase of GPA for CalGrants that will eliminate over 240 students at Rio Hondo College.
6) SUPPORT Guarantee of tax n fee revenues in Budget.
And other issues.
7) Support Governors Temporary Tax Initiative on November Ballot.

at California State Capitol.

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