Sea Power - Hail Holy Queen

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Lynwood USD Summer Bridge "Child Safety & Self Defense Seminars"

Over 980 Lynwood youth were trained in Child Safety & Self Defense as part of the Lynwood USD Summer Bridge program under the leadership/contract of Califonria Youth Karate Club, Inc.  Participants received  a two hour comprehensive seminar that instilled Four Rules of Safety and real-situation self defense drills that has enabled them to escape and defend themselves against attempted assaults.

I was overwhelmed by the demeanor of Lynwood USD youth.  They were all very respectful and took this seminar seriously.  Thier ability to grasp the concepts and retain the techniques were impressive for the short yet comprehensive training.  The seminar was formatted in a way which the participants may retain the drills.

The parents and local taxpayers should be proud of Lynwood USD for investing in the safety of thier students.  Parents can be assured that thier child knows what to do in case the unthinkable occurs.

Child Safety & Self Defense Seminar A Success

8/11/16 Mayberry Park, Whittier, CA- The LA County Parks and Recreation's Parks After Dark "Child Safety & Self Defense Seminar" held at Mayberry Park in Whittier for ten weeks was a great success with over 60 participants from age 2 to 18.

With all the local news of weekly attempted child abducations, sexual assaults, and other crimes against children the participants of our seminar are prepared for the worse and unthinkable. 

Participants were trained in real-situations self defense and safety drills against a padded training suit attacker which they practiced thier new skills with full force.

Participants learned real-situations drills against hair grabs, wrist grabs, bear hug-lift, lapel grab and other scenarios.  They did wonderfully and fully grasped the seriousness.

I'm proud of all our participants.